MAY 10, 2020
When you think of wallpaper, you probably recall the bold prints of the 1960’s and 1970’s, with their harvest colors and then in the 1980’s the sweet pastels. Over time, the trend faded, and wallpapers went out of fashion. The question is what happened to the wallpaper companies? Did they close? No, exactly the opposite, they focused and reinvented themselves with updated patterns, products, materials and entered the 21st Century with new, vibrant and innovative designs and patterns.
Let’s share a few styles that are currently trending:
1. Urban Culture – this collection feels great in modern spaces, delivers a super hip look that is sophisticated, comforting, and creative.
2. Romantic – ideal for bedrooms and usually features softer tones like soft beige, cream colors, light blues and greens. Patterns usually range from soft petals to something more of a geometric. Textured wallpaper is also very popular.
3. Digital – using large format photographic images or stylized graphics and illustrations and is ideal for contemporary and modern settings.
4. Luxury – these wallpapers include high quality materials, and could include leather, textiles and velvet. These are beautifully made with luxury materials and could easily fine a perfect home in a high-rise penthouse
5. Removable – this wallpaper provides a low-commitment option for any space. These self-adhesive papers are easy to hang, with less messy and you can replace it whenever you need a new fresh look.
Wallpaper makes a fabulous statement and should always be professionally hung. Are you ready to select a wallpaper for a special wall or room in your home? We have access to a multitude of wallpaper manufacturers and we’re only too happy to assist with your selection.
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